Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Assessment #1 Checklist

Please read through the MPI104 Blog thoroughly and make sure that you have completed all tasks.

Assessment #1

o User has subscribed to a Google Calender

o User has links in side bar
o User has more than the minimum posts (5)
o User has links in posts (minimum 3)
o User has updated profile
o User has uploaded picture for profile
o User has experimented with Templates
o User has experimented with Fonts
o User has experimented with Colours
o User has at least 1 picture in a post
o User has a Flickr post in their blog
o Posts have titles
o Blog has a description
o User has added at least 1 other page element
o User has a post on their blog
o User has commented on at least 2 other peoples posts

o User has uploaded pictures (minimum 4)
o User has progressively uploaded more pictures
o Most pictures have titles
o Most pictures have descriptions
o User has created a set
o User has joined a Group
o User has added some favourites
o User has commented on at least one other person’s pictures
o User has uploaded an original image OR acknowledged the source if not original
o User has saved bookmarks (minimum 4)
o User has progressively saved more bookmarks
o Most bookmarks have descriptions
o Most bookmarks have tags
o User has bundled tags
o A bookmark includes the MPI104_2011 tag
o User has bookmarked another class members blog
o User has bookmarked their Blog homepage
o User has bookmarked their Flickr homepage
o User has created a network
o User has integrated into their workflow

o Student is present at assessment

o Has emailed
...a working link...
to their assessment #1 blog post (the 250-500 words)
- their Gmail, Blog, Flickr, and details

o Student should also COMMENT on the master blog (In the assessment 1 page)

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