Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Assessment #1 Checklist

Please read through the MPI104 Blog thoroughly and make sure that you have completed all tasks.

Assessment #1

o User has subscribed to a Google Calender

o User has links in side bar
o User has more than the minimum posts (5)
o User has links in posts (minimum 3)
o User has updated profile
o User has uploaded picture for profile
o User has experimented with Templates
o User has experimented with Fonts
o User has experimented with Colours
o User has at least 1 picture in a post
o User has a Flickr post in their blog
o Posts have titles
o Blog has a description
o User has added at least 1 other page element
o User has a post on their blog
o User has commented on at least 2 other peoples posts

o User has uploaded pictures (minimum 4)
o User has progressively uploaded more pictures
o Most pictures have titles
o Most pictures have descriptions
o User has created a set
o User has joined a Group
o User has added some favourites
o User has commented on at least one other person’s pictures
o User has uploaded an original image OR acknowledged the source if not original
o User has saved bookmarks (minimum 4)
o User has progressively saved more bookmarks
o Most bookmarks have descriptions
o Most bookmarks have tags
o User has bundled tags
o A bookmark includes the MPI104_2011 tag
o User has bookmarked another class members blog
o User has bookmarked their Blog homepage
o User has bookmarked their Flickr homepage
o User has created a network
o User has integrated into their workflow

o Student is present at assessment

o Has emailed
...a working link...
to their assessment #1 blog post (the 250-500 words)
- their Gmail, Blog, Flickr, and details

o Student should also COMMENT on the master blog (In the assessment 1 page)

Week 6 - Assessment #1 - Preparation

Don’t forget that the first week back after the non-contact period is your first assessment!

Attendance for the assessment is compulsory, so by not being present and not supplying the mentioned details to ME a zero (0) mark will be awarded.

How the assessment will work:
50 marks will be awarded as per the mpi104 checklist below, whilst another 50 marks will be awarded for “interestingness”. This means that if you have completed all the task in the checklist you will pass. However if you go beyond this, both aesthetically and through research on your blog posts, your mark will be escalated to reflect this.

For all of the assessments you will have to write a post on your blog before class on the day of your assessment of between 250 – 500 words to summarise what you have done in the subject by that time.

This blog post should detail:

• The number of posts on your blog, and some links to your more interesting posts
• The work you have done on the aesthetic look of your blog (templates, colour, fonts)
• Comments that you have made to other blogs – with links to the more interesting comments
• Tags that you have used
• Other work that you have done in Blogger
• The number of bookmarked web pages
• Why these are of interest to you
• Links to your favourite 3 web pages

• The number of uploaded images
• A link to your 3 favourite images

You need to email ME the following to be assessed:
• Your Gmail address
• Your Blog url
• Your account
• Your flickr account
• a link to your 250-500 word post.

You will need to email ME (with "Your Name MPI104_2011 Workshop 2 or 3" as the subject) .

Please email ME at the following email, with, your name and MPI104 number as the subject:

example: Matt Barron MPI104 2011s2



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 5 - HTML

What is HTML?
HTML is a language for describing web pages.
• HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
• HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup language
• A markup language is a set of markup tags
• HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages
HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags
• HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets like
• HTML tags normally come in pairs like and
• The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
• Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags
What You Need
You don't need any tools to learn HTML at W3Schools.
• You don't need any HTML editor
• You don't need a web server
• You don't need a web site
• You just need notepad to get started
HTML Documents = Web Pages
• HTML documents describe web pages
• HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text
• HTML documents are also called web pages
The purpose of a web browser (like Internet Explorer or Firefox) is to read HTML documents and display them as web pages. The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page
First lets try a simple example (type tags together)

just open a notepad document, once finished save as a .html file

My First Heading

My first paragraph.

Example Explained
• The text between and describes the web page
• The text between and is the visible page content
• The text between


is displayed as a heading
• The text between


is displayed as a paragraph

HTML Headings
HTML headings are defined with the



This is a heading

This is a heading

This is a heading

HTML Paragraphs
HTML paragraphs are defined with the


This is a paragraph.

This is another paragraph.

HTML Formatting Tags
HTML uses tags like and for formatting output, like bold or italic text.
These HTML tags are called formatting tags. (remember to close the tags)


HTML Links
HTML links are defined with the tag.
This is a link

HTML Images
HTML images are defined with the tag.



Look at the site for things to add to your site.

also try
toolbar name to name the window bar in your browser

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 4 - Delicious

Create a new post on your blog. Include a working link to your Delicious account .
(using the a href code learnt in class)

After you have created your Delicious account post with a link, create a link of your post as a comment to this post on the master blog.

remember to link from a comment, click your comment Date/heading and it will open up your comment on a separate page, you can then copy the URL from the Address bar in your browser.

create the 'link text' under this naming convention: name, Delicious post. eg: Matt Barron, flickr post

week 4 - Flickr

Create a new post on your blog. Include at least one working link to your flickr images – something which relates to your post.

in flickr click and view your image then in the "share" menu, copy the html code and paste it in your post

After you have created your flickr post with an image, create a link of your post as a comment to this post on the master blog.

remember to link from a comment, click your comment Date and it will open up your comment on a separate page, you can then copy the URL from the Address bar in your browser.

create the 'link text' under this naming convention: name, flickr post. eg: Matt Barron, flickr post